One week down

Today's first positive is a biggie!! One week here without family! I am happy I made it and also that it wasn't as killer as I was worried it would be and I would like to think it has something to do with my positives. 
2. I feel like we are starting to get a routine down. It is still very much in the early stages but I feel like we are getting somewhere. Makes me feel like less of a failure as a parent! ;)
3. We had a pretty lazy day today. Slept in (well, in between feedings anyway) and watched the Utah bowl game. 
4. Utes won!!
5. This kid. Need I say more? (Both of them)

Even though there were lots of positives, today still had its moments. I know I am writing here to focus on the positives, but as it is somewhat of a journal for me, I think it is ok to remember some of the struggles I have had. I like having lazy days sometimes, but by the end of the day I was wanting something to do. That,combined with going through the pictures and videos on my phone (it was out of storage) and seeing all my cute nieces and nephew, I definitely felt some homesickness. Probably the most I have felt since saying bye to my mom. I'm sure that will happen from time to time, but it still stinks. 
Now I am holding a sleeping baby (it's 10:30, can I really be this lucky tonight?) and watching The Giver. Another positive today. 


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