A day late

Last night I thought about my positives, but since I was lying in bed by a sleeping baby before 11, I knew I didn't want to chance waking him up. Here they are though. 
1. We got Nixon's announcements in the mail! I have a goal to get them ready to go today so I can put them in the mail tomorrow. 
2. I made it a full day without chocolate or caffeine. I wanted to see if that made a difference in Nixon's bedtime meltdown or the amount he spit up. It did seem to help. 
3. We got all of our stuff shipped out to our families for Christmas. (The amount we paid in shipping is not part of this positive!)
4. And, of course, Nixon went to sleep relatively easy! And slept well through the night. We woke up at 2, 6, and 9. 

My next goal is to get him sleeping in his pack and play. This is just as much a struggle for me as it is for him. I love snuggling with that kid, but I think it might be a step towards getting him to sleep through the night. 


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