Snow day today! It snowed all day! We got 3-4 inches. I decided it would be best if I stayed in all day, which means I was able to get lots done! Most of that was laundry. 
I also had time to work on Nixon's baby book, which I have been wanting to do for a while. It is so much fun to go back to that time and write down some details that I probably wouldn't remember otherwise. 
So we have a pretty good routine with Nixon during the day. It is to the point where I can predict when Nixon will get hungry and then when he will be tired. The only problem I am having is with his naps. He rarely sleeps longer Than a half of an hour. I have tried lots of different strategies but nothing has helped, unless I hold him the whole time. Then sometimes he will make it to an hour. All the books a have looked at about schedules talks about hour or even hour and a half naps. I finally decided to google my problem. I found out that there are a lot of other moms with the same concern. The most helpful post was one that said she finally realized that her baby was healthy and happy and growing, ISO she had to trust that he would let her know when he was tired and she just needed to take care of him unless he became unhealthy or unhappy. I like that idea. I need to stop worrying so much about what I have read in books. I need to take the things that work but not stress over the things that don't.
Chris got home almost four hours ago but I have only seen him for maybe 25 minutes. He has been snowblowing our extra long driveway and trying to fix a problem in our bathroom that is making it stink. Poor guy has been outside in the sub zero temperatures all night. I hate that there is nothing I can do to help him!  
Ok, I think I am done for tonight. For anyone who is reading my blog, I know it isn't very exciting. It is more of a journal for me, so I write down the things I think I will want to remember, and not necessarily what I think everyone else wants to read. It is a just good way for me to vent my thoughts!


  1. I like reading your blog. I like reading the positives too helps me try to reflect on positives in my day too! Scheduling is hard and ever changing so your smart not to stress to much. Cory is pretty scheduled, but there are days it is off and if is frustrating. .. He just had his shots too and it threw us off for a few days. Plus those books are helpful but not exact for all babies. I read them for helpful tips but don't live by them. You are doing a great job and he is a cute healthy guy!


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